Daily flights with SAA going to Munich - Book now for September 2009

The big city atmosphere and rural charm, art treasures, customs and high-tech: This very special "Munich mix" has helped the capital of Bavaria to achieve world renown. But what adds the final touch to the city's popularity is the drink that is associated with Munich throughout the world: beer. Internationally Munich is undoubtedly the Number One beer metropolis.

Oktoberfest, a festival of Munich's beer and one of the Bavarian capital's trade marks, is a household term in all parts of the world. And who doesn't dream of experiencing the original in Munich sometime in their life or at least of visiting the "beer Mecca" one day?

Visit Oktoberfest from 19th September until 4th October 2009. How do you get there? SAA flies daily overnight nonstop from Johannesburg to Munich.

Visit www.flysaa.com to book.

For more information on the Oktoberfest visit www.oktoberfest.de                        © SAA 2009
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