How do you ‘Maintain’ a person’s profile that no longer works on ONBIZ?
1. Do you just pass on the LOGIN details to the new ‘Administrator’?
2. Do you create a new profile for the new ‘Administrator’?
3. Do you deactivate the profile of the ‘leaving’ Administrator?
What is suggested…
- Generally, each Administrator, Corporate or Travel, has their own unique LOGIN details.
It is suggested that the Profile is deactivated as soon as they are no longer part of the
ONBIZ team. Now a new profile can be created for the replacement ONBIZ Administrator.
(If this is the process you wish to follow, please create the profile for the ‘new Administrator
BEFORE you deactivate the ‘old’ profile, or you may not have access to do so later. If this
happens, you will have to contact one of the ONBIZ team members to help you).
- If you created a profile under the company name e.g. XYZ shoes and a private password,
and you want to give it to the new Administrator to use, then we suggest that you change the
private password to a new one that the new Administrator has selected.
In both scenarios, the ‘old’ Administrator will no longer have access to your account and your lodge card will be secure.
If you need any help, please feel free to contact one of us for assistance.