For your convenience, please find a list of frequently asked questions.

Local SAA Contact Centres

If you would prefer to speak to one of our agents, please call your local SAA Contact Centre for quick and efficient service.

Please select your region:

South Africa

Tel (from within South Africa): 0861 FLYSAA
0861 606 606
0861 359 722
Tel (when abroad): +27 11 978 5313
Opening hours: 06h00 to 22h00, daily incl. Public Holidays
Customer Complaints
Tel (from within South Africa): 0860 003 146 (share call)
Tel (when abroad): +27 11 978 2888
Opening hours: 08h00 to 16h30, closed weekends and Public holidays
Tel (from within South Africa): 0860 003 145 (share call)
Tel (when abroad): +27 11 978 5313
Opening hours: 07h00 to 21h00, Monday - Friday
08h00 to 14h00, weekends and Public Holidays

For local SAA offices across South Africa, please click on one of the following links.

Rest of Africa

We have local SAA offices across Africa. Please click on the following link and select your nearest office.

Rest of World

We have local SAA offices across the World. Please click on the following link and select your nearest office.

Click here for a list of International Dialing Codes
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